Title: Sonorama Ace Puppy Series Song and Drama - Science Ninja Team Gatchaman II (Gatchaman II)
Catalog Number: APQ-6001
Manufacturer: Asahi Sonorama
Price: ¥600
Released: 1978
Status: Out-of-print
Contents: This Mini 33 contained The opening and closing themes to Gatchaman II. It also included a special drama segment. Stereo.
Total Time: ?:?
Track Listing:
1. We Are Gatchaman (opening theme song) 3:26
Singers: Isao Sasaki, Columbia Cradle Club
2. Drama Segment
Side Two:
3. Drama Segment Continued
4. Dreaming of Tomorrow (closing theme song) 3:35
Singers: Isao Sasaki, Mitsuko Horie