

Title:          Tatsunoko Heroes - Tatsunoko Productions TV Animation Theme Song Collection

Catalog Number:  COBC-90378

Manufacturer:    Nippon Columbia

Price:              ¥4,700

Released:          12/17/03

Status:             Available

Description:      This DVD contained various standard opening and closing theme songs and credit sequences from a variety of Tatsunoko TV shows and OAV programs. Out of the seventeen entries on the disc, a full five of them are Gatchaman-related. One each for the three original series, the 1994 OAV and a bonus video made from the full-length version of the Gatchaman theme (called the "full-chorus" version on this collection). It had a running time of approximately 40 minutes and it was set for Region 2 playback only. It was in monaural and stereo Japanese, there were no English subtitles nor closed captioning.



