Title : Gatchaman - Original Animation Video "Gatchaman" Original Soundtrack
Catalog Number: COCC-11851
Maufacturer: Nippon Columbia
Price: ¥2,800
Released: 7/21/94
Status: Out-of-print as of 7/20/96
Contents: This CD contained background and title songs from the Gatchaman OAV remake series. The collection was produced by the American team of Maurice White and Bill Meyers. Stereo.
Total Time: 40:58
Track Listing:
1. Main Title 4:14
2. Friendship 4:02
3. Gyaracter Attack 3:46
4. Joe 4:10
5. God Phoenix 4:02
6. Berg Katse 3:05
7. Fighting 3:07
8. Sad 5:06
9. X 2:18
10. Victory 2:28
11. End Title/Let's Fly 4:36