Title: Battle Of The Planets - Under A Blood Red Sky - Trade Paperback 2 (Battle of the Planets)
ISBN: 1-58240-323-6
Publisher: Top Cow Productions, Inc.
Price: $16.95
Released: 9/03
Status: Out-of-print
Information: This squarebound book reprinted issues 4 - 9 of the regular Battle of the Planets series comic at full-size, in addition to other cover reprints and pin up images. Art by Wilson Tortosa, story by Munier Sharrieff. Full color.
Pages: 144
Size: 6-5/8 x 10-1/8in.
Pages 3 - 24 - Battle of the Planets Issue 4
Pages 25 - 67- Battle of the Planets Issue 5
Pages 47 - 68 - Battle of the Planets Issue 6
Page 69 - Jo and Christina Pin Up
Pages 70 - 71 - Martin Montiel and Martin Garcia Pin Up
Pages 72 - 93 - Battle of the Planets Issue 7
Page 94 - Francis Manapul Pin Up
Pages 95 -116 - Battle of the Planets Issue 8
Pages 117 -138 - Battle of the Planets Issue 9
Pages 139 -144 - Alex Ross Covers for issues 4 - 9