Fantastic TV Collection No. 3 - Science Ninja Team - Part 2 (Gatchaman)
Stock Number: 7898-8
Publisher: Asahi
Released: 8/1/78
Information: This is the second
volume of Gatchaman material from the "Fantastic TV Collection" series.
Pages: 64
Pages 1-5: Berg Katse's Story - A color photo
gallery containing many pictures of Katse, along with the story of his/her
Pages 9-10: The Riddle of Red Impulse- This section
contained information on Red Impulse's background and backstory.
Page 11: Blue Print of the Plane for Red Impulse-
This page contained a number of plan views of Red Impulse's plane. It also
had a side cut away view.
Pages 12-19: Novelized Focus - This section had
a story version of episode 53 "Farewell Red Impulse". It was illustrated
throughout with black and white pictures from the episode.
Page 20-24: Special Round-Table - A round-table
discussion between the members of the Ninja Tai. In black and white.
Pages 25-40: Film Story - A color photo guide
for episode 78 "Mortal Combat! 10,000 Meters Beneath the Sea". This
section contained the script for the episode rather than a story
Pages 41-44: Gatchaman Mechanism - This black
and white section contained cut away views of the Bracelets, Each Ninja Tai
member's weapons, and their civilian-style vehicles.
Pages 45-46: Galactor Mechanism - This section
had cut-away views of the Turtle King, the Fire Eating Dragon (King Dragon),
The Snail Mecha and the Kabutron. In black and white.
Pages 47-50: Gatchaman's Loves and Hates - This
section went through things that affected the lives of the Gatchaman team
members. In black and white.
Pages 51-53: Dr. Kozumi's Gatchaman SF Research Q
& A- Black and white. These pages go through aspects of science
fact and fiction within the Gatchaman universe. By Rei Kosumi, the SF consultant
for Gatchaman.
Pages 54-56: Mr. Hisayuki Toriumi Talks About Gatchaman
- Hisayuki Toriumi gives a talk about the show. Illustrated with black
and white pictures.
Pages 56-57: G-Action G-1 and G-2 - These two
pages have color images of Ken and Joe in action poses. There are filmstrips
from varied scenes printed in the background.
Pages 59-64: Illustrated Story "Gatchaman"- These
pages had and American-style comic book look to them. They re-did the story
from episode 3 "The Giant Mummy That calls A Tempest".