Title: B-Club Special - Iron Works - Kunio Okawara
Stock Number: ISBN 4-89189-462-8
Publisher: Bandai
Price: ¥2000
Released: 11/20/89
Status: Out-of-print
Information: This book covered the career of mechanic deisnger Kunio Okawara. While most of it covered his immensely popular work on the Gundam series, there were a couple very interesting Gatchaman pieces. One was a completely unused color drawing of a machine for Ken that was patterend after a bird-of-prey. The second was a rejected design for the Ninja Team's main ship. These drawings were likely not done for the original series, but for Gatchaman II or Gatchaman Fighter. However, it is unknown exactly as to which productions these drawings were done for.
Pages: 112
Size: A4