Title: Yasuomi Umetsu Art Works - Kujuku
ISBN Number: 4-8458-2028-5
Publisher: Riido-Sha
Price: ¥2500
Released: 12/8/99
Status: Out-of-print
Information: This book collected pieces of Yasuomi Umetsu's animation work through 1999. Among his many other projects, Umetsu contributed character designs, animation direction and packaging illustrations for the 1994-1995 Gatchaman OAV series. The Gatchaman sections of this book contained poster /video jacket art, examples of the OAV novelization covers and interior art, plus model sheet drawings. The final Gatchaman section contained a very interesting two-page spread of rough sketches that, for the most part, were published in this book for the first time.
Pages: 128
Size: A4 Special