Title: Tatsunoko Anniversary
Stock Number: 4-81989-283-8
Publisher: Bandai
Price: ¥10000
Released: 4/1/93
Status: Out-of-print
Information: This double book set covered many of Tatsunoko's TV shows and TV specials.
The Sketch Book was hardcover and had illustrations from various produced and unproduced projects. It included mainly image boards, design sketches, poster sketches. It has three pictures of Ken, a design sketches by Tatsuo Yoshida a design sketch by Ippei Kuri and a poster sketch by Ippei Kuri
The Film Book was softcover and illustrated with pictures and descriptions from the projects. The Film Book opening scene from Gatchaman and Gatchaman II, in color. It also included half-page entries for each of three series listing staff, cast and a short write-up, in black and white. There was 4 page section going into more detail about the first episode of Gatchaman, in color. There was also a goods section that showed scattered Gatchaman items, such as toys, models, books etc., black and white. Finally, there was a model sheet section that showed two pages of character and two pages of vehicles from Gatchaman, black and white.
Pages: 112 (Sketch) 192 (Film)
Size: A4