Title: Tele Sept Jours Mensuel (issues 23, 24 and 31 illustrated) (France)
Stock Number: Various
Publisher: TopTele
Price: 5 - 6F
Released: 1979
Status: Out-of-print
Information: This was a supplementary publication of the French Tele Sept Jours TV Guide. These issues included eight page, full-color "Battle Of the Planets" stories. They also contained two pages of full color stickers, some of which were "Battle of the Planets" related. There are also two additional color "Battle of the Planets" illustrations included in the books. Certain areas of the pictures were left blank and were meant to be filled in with specific stickers form the sticker pages. The rest of the books were filled with games puzzles and French comic characters.
Pages: 44
Size: 17 x 23cm