

 Page 1 - Records
 Page 2 - Compact Discs
 Page 3 - Books 1
 Page 4 - Books 2
 Page 5 - Books 3
 Page 6 - Posters 1
 Page 7 - Postcards
 Page 8 - Telephone Cards
 Page 9 - Multimedia
 Page 10 - Toys - Metal
 Page 11 - Toys - Plastic
 Page 12 - Toys - Vinyl
.Page 13 - Games & Puzzles

.Page 14 - Home Video (Japan)

 Endpage - Thanks & Credits


About these pages

More about the Goodies pages.

Why were they done?

Background information

Information about "Gatchaman."

With all episode titles.

"Where do I find this stuff?"

Finding "Gatchaman" merchandise.

Including links.

.Please note that none of the items listed on any of my pages are for sale.


.More information to follow as I receive it. If you have any comments, suggestions or contributions for these pages, please e-mail me.


Thanks for visiting, I look forward to hearing from you!.




Since 9/25/99



